Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Interview: Barbara Roberts

There was actually a time when my ex-husband sent me a list of scripture verses on why I could never remarry. This was joke coming from him, but I did want to know what God thought on the topic.

I’d already looked up the scriptures myself and was totally confused. It was like I could pick one scripture to justify whatever I wanted to do, but what did they mean as a whole?

Then I found author Barbara Roberts. She’d done all the research for me. Her message is an important one, and I share it here for anyone considering divorce or remarriage.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Interview: Steve Arterburn

I am thrilled to have author Steve Arterburn as a guest on my blog. I've read a couple of his books including Every Man's Battle and Every Heart Restored. His ministry and his advice is not just for men. Honestly, what I've learned from him is wisdom that can benefit everyone. 

1.) What is it about pornography or infidelity that appeals so much to a man?
Men often leave home without a real sense of manhood.  It becomes something they must establish on their own or prove on their own.